Friday, October 15, 2010

The New BMW K1600GTL

No competition yet for Mistress, but oh baby...

The new K1600GTL in Jay Leno's Garage

View from the cockpit
That's a 6 Cylinder in there...
A New Era in Sport Touring Redefined
A well designed chassis...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beemer Cam -Teil Zwei (Part Two)

So We took a run up the Tumwater Canyon late this afternoon and I tested the modified mount for the Beemer Cam... "great shot of the road" was the feedback I got from Mrs. Redtigre.

It was better than that I think, but I adjusted the mount and we continued up the canyon for more feedback... "what, more road?  Don't quit your day job..."


I have it now rendering and stabilizing in iMovie, which takes time.

I am hoping to cut some great stills out of it, but if this doesn't work out hardware-wise I think it is time to try a FlipCam on the mount instead.

...or not.  I think I need a better windscreen, this thing has contours that make it look like you are breaking the grid on the Matrix.

I still think this has such potential...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Aunt, the 75th birthday, and the Beemer

Joan and I in Ephrata
Mrs. Redtigre and I went on a ride to Ephrata for my Aunt's 75th birthday surprise today, about 110 miles roundtrip in some "is it or isn't it going to rain" weather.  I think the end of riding season coming to a quick close had the Mrs. anxious for a last ride (for her) and a "I've only a few more weeks left myself" for me with a basement remodel destined to take up the next 10 weeks of foul weather (it had better be foul weather or I will be foul if the riding is still able to happen on weekends).

My Aunt Murriel and her children (my cousins)

So the trip was nice and I saw cousins that work and incidentals and riding have made my social life a complete "blah" in regards to seeing family that are getting old like I am (ha!), but the focus was seeing my Aunt Murriel and wishing her a happy birthday.  Murriel, Dad, and I went to Arkansas about 3 summers ago to visit the "home country" and see much of where they grew up as children.  It was a cherished trip, and I saw many of the same woods what my father and aunt did as they grew up in Arkansas as young children.

Murriel and I leaving...

As we were getting ready to leave, there was some chatter of getting a photo of Aunt Murriel on "Mistress", and talk became action as Murriel donned Joan's jacket, helmet, and gloves  and climbed aboard behind me. This was her first time on the back of motorcycle and off we went.

I think she liked it...  ;)

Murriel and I returning...

I hooked up the com between us and we talked as we shot out to highway 282 to give her a taste of the road at 65mph, curved around to the airport, and then looped back to the house where everyone was there to take pictures as we arrived back, surprised that "we thought you were only going up the street and back".

Please... since when is anything a "short" trip on a BMW?
Yep, I think she liked it!

It was an honor to have given her her first ride on a motorcycle EVER!

And it was a BMW... boy will she be disappointed on her second.  :D

Love you Murriel!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beemer Cam

So Mrs. RedTigre and I were running through the Tumwater canyon again today enjoying the changing of the season, and I was thinking "Wow, these colors would be great captured on a cam as we are riding". Looking at all the geography I have on the shelf, I dug out an old Canon ZR-700 handheld camera (I'm in technology, anything 3 years old is "old") and found a way to mount it to my shelf.  The battery was shot so I have another on order but am anxious to see just how well this is going to work through the windscreen.

The Mrs. said I was nuts, but this could be so cool...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Last Run Through Northern Cascadia

Went on a ride today that was probably the last North Cascade run of the season with a friend from work. Bob is a Director in the district with me and rides a Triumph Rocket… 2.3l triple of sheer muscle, almost twice the cc of Mistress but not near as good looking (sorry Bob!).

We started off heading  up the 97 from East Wenatchee to Pateros, then a cool Northern jaunt up the 153 to the 20 West and on to breakfast in Winthrop.  The morning sunrise to our East was incredible, and the sun illuminated the western side mountain in such a manner that it was like a 3d enhanced image, great for clearing out the weeks mental clutter.

Washington Pass Summit

Washington Pass Summit with Bob
Diablo Lake
From Winthrop on up into Washington Pass and stopped at the summit for a photo op (I don't remember the glaciers remaining so large so late into the summer, more proof of a cooler summer than most)... and down the Western slope to Diablo Lake and into a layer of clouds that surprised me because the satellite imagery at 0700hrs sure didn't show it. We continued on the 20 West through Marblemount and Rockport, where we cut down onto the 530 South through Darrington and sun breaks through heavy clouds (although warm at 65°f).

Jordan Park Suspension Bridge
Just outside or Arlington (Arlington Heights) I showed Bob one on my favourite shortcuts, Jordan Road to Granite Falls,  where I showed him a cool cable suspension bridge at Jordan Park. From there we detoured through Granite falls on some side streets as they were having some festivities in the city center, and then  around the Lake Rossinger cut-off that brings you down the backside of Monroe. 

59'r Diner Parking Lot
From Monroe was familiar territory of Highway 2 East over Stevens Pass, stopping for a break at the Lake Wenatchee intersection and the 59-er Diner to ditch some liners at the now 70°f temps.  

Bierfrau... often mistaken for
the K1200LT in human form
On down the Tumwater (GORGEOUS this time of year) to Leavenworth where we ran into the lederhosen men and scantly-clad short skirt  college bierfrau attired Western Washington'ers there for Oktoberfest… (I'll complain for the record since my wife will probably read this at some stage)  boy do I miss Deutschland and the bierfraus with the big mugs! Er, big mugs of bier!  Really!  If you had been there you would know what I mean! Really!  I'd better stop before I dig myself in too deep...

Mistress is at home in Bavaria-ville, her Bayerische nature comes to life in such surroundings.

Got through the crowds finally and on through Cashmere, Monitor and into the driveway for 9.5 hours and 380 miles of pure joy, great to have shared it with you Bob!