Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Since there is no snow... how about a Christmas Eve run

Seems we are bound for a brown Christmas here in the valley so what better way to kill waiting for Santa than to hitch up my own and blow the cobwebs out on some 0-90 in 6 seconds runs out past the airport.

Here's wishing a very Merry Christmas to all my riding buddies and buddettes!

Friday, November 28, 2014

You can't miss a month and still be a "rounder"...

Where did Fall go???

For that matter, how about just November... here it is the end of the month and suddenly there is snow in the mountains, not good for riders and especially not good for rounders.

Got out today on an impulse run up around Beebe bridge and home just in time to beat the incoming rain we are now getting.  45°f is not bad, but that temp and wet is no fun so I am a happy tigre to get an hour and a half ride in and enjoy it to boot, especially at the end of November.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kudo's to Skydive Chelan

Thanks to Todd and Sonya for an incredible adventure... if you want a place to fulfill your dreams of a tandem skydiving experience, these people know how to do it safely, I trust them with every jump I do.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Time stands still for no tiger...

Lot's going on as interests and opportunities come and come again...

Another needed moment under the scalpel was looming so I had a chance to look at things differently and sample a new adventure...

Static Line Solo... what a rush.

It was everything I had expected, and now five jumps later I want more.

So something had to take a back seat and it was going to have to be a trade for my adventure girl. Mrs. RedTigre enjoys the rides too much and Mistress has been the one to get us there, so with sad farewell I sent Mystique to her new home with a rider that I hope will appreciate her as much as I have. 12,000 adventuresome miles were great with new trails and new frontiers, but newer frontiers beckon, and the LT will get me there.

Still a Beemer Nation, but with a birds-eye view.  ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Back in the saddle...

After a bit of minor surgery that put me out of the saddle for 10 weeks, I got out to test my fork rebuilding skills from early December with a ride up Badger Mountain to come in behind Waterville and then zig-zag my way to getting stuck at the bluffs lining the area between Farmer and Palisades looking for a way to drop in around the Billingsley Ranch. Found some cool roads, but hit a "these are not the droids, 'er, roads, you are looking for" moment.

Found fun by ending up at the Moses Coulee and South Division road, Sagebrush Flats, Road 24 to Palisades and home.

I'll find that road yet...