Sunday, March 11, 2012

Winter Riding

Winter riding is a fickle date, never knowing exactly when weather changes will leave you with a sunny day and clear roads, or an opportunity to practice your riding posture sitting on your bike in the garage with 4 inches on snow in the driveway.

We went from this...

to this.. in a matter of one week.

Took several weeks to melt off well enough to get hit again with 2 inches more that was gone in mid-40°f temperatures that followed, but the ability to fit in a few rides never fails the willing so we cranked out several in the January-now timeframe.
John near Spanish Orchards
Jon and Terry up Badger Mountain

John and I up Badger Mountain
Karen and I in Chelan

I've managed to put on 1000 miles on Mystique...

...and hit a 90,000 mile benchmark on Mistress just yesterday.